Champion Concrete’s QA/QC program was designed to meet nuclear industry standards. Our QA/QC program has been continuously utilized on numerous mega industrial projects across the United States and we continue to improve upon and revise it based on each projects specific needs.
With over sixty years of experience utilizing different raw materials supplies and combinations across the United States. Champion Concrete contains the knowledge to create the project specific and performance concrete mix designs that your project may require. We have mitigated regional issues such as raw material supply, ASR, thermal challenges and much more.

We have performed a plethora of work in the Southern States. We mitigate the heat by the using chilled water, and if needed, ice to maintain the specified concrete specifications.
Some types of concrete we produce:​
Light-weight Concrete
Heavy-weight Concrete
High Density Concrete
Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC)
Flowable Fill Concrete
Colored Concrete
Fiber Concrete
Low Shrinkage

Cold weather concrete is one of the largest struggles for any ready mix supplier. Originating from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, we are no stranger to it.
Our batch plants are insulated and heated during the frigid winters. Hours prior to placements, heaters are turned on to ensure equipment is warm, ready, and material won't stick to the cold steel.
​​Along with using hot water, we also use low pressure steam to keep our aggregate piles from freezing while maintaining SSD. This allows for a consistent, strong, reliable mix during the winter months.
We follow some of the most stringent site specific specifications. Along with ACI and ASTM's, we have experience with NQA-1 certification work but are not NQA-1 certified ourselves. All our concrete batch plants and mixer trucks are certified by a 3rd party NRCMA representative. Our internal quality control team ensures only concrete within specifications are delivered. All technicians have multiple ACI certifications to ensure the quality of each mix
The concrete batch plant controls are fully automated to ensure ASTM specifications are met. ​​
Click on the images below to be directed for more information.

Concrete's Basic Composition
Raw Materials
Silica Fume
Water Reducer
Air Entrainment
Hydration Stabilizer